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Sunday, July 03, 2022


 Life has told me that silence speaks once, and exists once but not alone. It allows me to listen to those who I haven't known, and warn me that hate comes within it without words.

 It allows me to hear what is loud, leads me to where I should be, and I will be where I shouldn’t be, here I am where I must be where I can be.

 Where men are silent, let others follow the truth blindly. Remember, scary ghosts are what's sound in the minds but spoke not.

 If no tune means there is nothing but sometimes tunes do emerge but it is none of our business. Once we followed what the soul says we are being assassinated.

 Everything is permitted but still limited if it is not permitted. What're spokes not, produce what's provides not, which is proceeds not to what is probably not.

 We run what words sound to serve what's assigned, we are the ones who are the Assassin. Being an army of our own, we don't know the way but are aided by the sound surrounding us.

 Leave one eagle alive the fish never is safe, because the vicinities boundary that divides life and death is the reason that makes living life the best choice for one another.

 Which is shall promise were to end and where to begin is under one obligation. Those who love you will be hunted by love but those who hurt you won't have any path to escape their karma.

 Between life and death, we love life but we hate death. Life is a beautiful liar where to survive is to cheat what death is, while death is the truth but it was the ugliest truth of all truth.

 Each one of us has planted a seed where evil and goodness are in a battle to win but ones can not exist without one another.

 Stay away from the blade's words they going to cut your innocent heart in the obscure sight together with the tunes of bitterness.

 While evil says in a voice of beautiful verbs the good is pronounced out loud naked with the proof of pride no matter where the sound of scars may hear.

 Keep quiet in the background, watch and listen then choose your battle wisely, but once you decide on one, attempting to win is prioritized because life is temporary, live without sorry to leave your history.

Written By: Keithjallong

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